• NRC staff will engage licensees/applicants/vendors if there are questions or disagreements on assertions of withholding. 59 Implementation at Non-Power Production or Utilization Facilities” Project Number: 689 . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Standards Forum. To do so, NRRToward that end, the U. S. m. Administration, NRR/NRC JASMINE GILLIAM, Physical Security Inspector, Plant . At the conclusion of the inspection, thenrr/de/ecgb/a nrr/drch/hicb nrr/dssa/srxb ogc/hds3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 file~center g. gov Jason. The U. 7), the NRC informed licensees that NEI 99-04 contains acceptable guidance for controlling regulatory commitments and The NRC's goal is to establish effective and efficient licensing of applications using fuels enriched to greater than 5. The. / RA / David B. Anzalone, NRR B Parks, NRR J. Dudes, NRR J. NRR conducts a broad range of regulatory activities in support of the Commission's safety and security strategic goals. In accordance with the FY-2005 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, House Reports 108-554 and 108-792, Monthly Reports to Congress have been discontinued and replaced with the Quarterly Reports to Congress. Implements the NRC inspection program for all operating reactor facilities in Region IV. Subject: Supplementary Response to Req uest for Additional Information Regarding EPRI Report 1022909, “Benchmarks for Quantifying Fuel Reactivity Depletion Uncertainty” Project Number: 689 . 52-049 cc: Listserv Signed by Shams, Mohamed on 01/06/22. based company developing a fluoride salt cooled high temperature reactor (KP-FHR) using TRISO fuel in pebble form. Bajumpaa, Dominion Generation M. S. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/OD Summary of Changes: In accordance with the guidance provided in the memorandum dated September 8, 2004 from Luis A. Embark Venture Studio. Mr. Clement, NRR K. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) is responsible for accomplishing key components of the NRC's nuclear reactor safety mission. Lamb@nrc. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: James Kim, Project Manager /RA/ Plant Licensing Branch I Division of Operating Reactor Licensing. Since joining the NRC, she has held positions of increasing responsibility including Materials Engineer, Technical Assistant, and Branch Chief in NRR; Branch Chief, in the Office of New Reactors (NRO); and Deputy Director, Division of Advanced Reactors and Rulemaking, NRO. R. Despite the stated NRR of 33, then, wearing the earplugs would only reduce noise exposure to an estimated 87 dB. Discussion The NRC is issuing a. gov John Tsao, NRR Thomas Scarbrough, NRR 301-415-2702 301-415-2794 John. gov Vijay Goel, NRR/DE 301-415-3730 E-mail: Vijay. Coordinates enforcement actions with the regions, major program. hughey@nrc. The U. , Suite 330 Rockville, MD 20852 Mr. Murillo T. The inspection was conducted by the Special Inspection Branch of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) from February 12 through. 29, 2004) (ADAMS Accession No. S. SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. NRC -RIV TG Colburn-NRR NRC Sr. Contact: Daniel King 301-415-1233 daniel. Resident Inspector-927N DLWilliams -BPA/399 PD Robinson-Winston &Strawn 9807220%26 980715 PDR ADOCK 05000397 6 PDR. Smith currently serves as Director of the Division of New and Renewed Licenses (DNRL) in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). NRC Staff Contacts for Advanced Reactor Research Plan, REV 9 Area RES NRRINMSS/NSIR REAHFB Comments Contacts Regulatory Framework Mary. the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) for any material modifications. Production and Utilization Facilities . The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) has the responsibility of overseeing all university research reactors (URRs) including the MITR. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Working Group. gov. AdditionalIt is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to provide guidance for its staff to meet the requirements and performance goals established in legislation, regulations, the Agency’s strategic plan, and office-level operating plans. Union of Concerned Scientists. Tam, NRR NRC Document Control Desk NRC Resident Inspector U. Pandemic response applies agency-wide, and notification of staff of the response level is addressed by the agency plan (Section V and Appendix 5). Dear Mr. nuclear power plants by offering better performance during normal operation, transient conditions, and accident. Letter No. Nuclear Regulatory. The NRR explained that this core damage frequency risk change. IMC 2516, "Policy and Guidance for the License Renewal Inspection Programs," provides guidance to NRC headquarters and regional office staff, as well as consultant personnel, regarding review and inspection activities associated with an applicant's license renewal program. The public meeting. The NRC staff inspect each facility periodically to ensure licensees safely conduct regulated activities. Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is a unit of measurement used to determine the effectiveness of hearing protection devices to decrease sound exposure within a given working environment. The NRC regulates commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials, such as in nuclear. : LIC-500, Revision 5 Office Instruction Title: Topical. Nuclear Industry Council. Taylor leads highly skilled engineers, scientists, inspectors, and project managers in executing the agency’s mission on a large number of nationally. ” 6. 5 = 88 dBA. The NRC’s organization is structured into Headquarters-based offices, which have responsibility for regulations and guides, reviews and assessment, reactor licensing, and policy and program. m. This office. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held a closed meeting with representatives from the Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG) to discuss recent issues related to excessive wear in the. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION OFFICE OF NEW REACTORS WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 February 21, 2014 NRC INFORMATION NOTICE 2014-01: FUEL SAFETY LIMIT CALCULATION INPUTS WERE INCONSISTENT WITH NRC-APPROVED CORRELATION LIMIT VALUES ADDRESSEES All holders of an operating. 50-390/94-10 AND 50-391/94-10 This refers to the inspection conducted by the Region II project inspector staff on January 17 - February 19, 1994. Project No. Sebrosky, NRR Project No. S. gov Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site,NRC Facebook NRC Twitter Feed NRC Linkedin NRC Youtube Channel NRC Flickr Gallery NRC Blog Archived NRC Email Subscriptions - GovDelivery. /de/'emcb~ nrr/dssa/splb nudocs-abstract 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 external: noac 1 1 nrc pdr 1 1 d 0 u e n note to all "rids" recipients: please help us to reduce waste. Reyes, EDO, this office instruction has beenProject Overview. Brown, et al. Merriweather of this office on October 22-26, 1990. It is the policy of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to establish procedures and guidance for its staff to meet the requirements established by applicable statute and regulation. Vijay Goel, NRR/DE 301-415-3730 E-mail: Vijay. Kalyanam, et. Within the jurisdiction of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), exemptions may be approved for the following regulations: • 10 CFR Part 20 (regarding standards for protection against radiation) . 2, REVISION 2 - NUREG-0800 -STANDARD REVIEW PLAN FOR THE REVIEW OF SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORTS FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS This revision supersedes NRR Office. org. //Mr. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). NRC/NRR J. 12) (NRC internal guidance on the license amendment review process) NRR Office Instruction LIC-109 (Ref. Kingsley: SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. Joseph Sebrosky, NRR, NRC . submitted a request for a one-time exception to Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) Office Instructions (OIs) LIC-109, “Acceptance Review Procedures,” LIC-101, “License Amendment Review Procedures,” and LIC-500, “Topical Report Process,” acceptance review criteria for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (Vogtle), Units 1 and 2. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Eric Oesterle, NRR, NRC . Mr. Liden J. Hebdon, NRR L. Monthly Reports to Congress. – 10:45 a. 55a in the November 5, 2014, rulemaking. 54(f). 6. In addition, MIT established a very effective means of. : 50-272 and 50-311 Enclosure: List of Attendees CONTACT: James Kim, NRR/DORLThis memorandum documents the U. NRC’S OVERSIGHT OF ACTIVE COMPONENT AGING (OIG-14-A-02) REFERENCE: DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION, MEMORANDUM DATED FEBRUARY 19, 2016 Attached is the Office of the Inspector General’s analysis and status of recommendations 1 and 2 discussed in the agency’s response dated February 19, 2016. The NRR explained that this core damage frequency risk. 50-382 Enclosure: Agenda (ADAMS Accession No. SNC requests that the NRC staff accept for review planned requested licensing actions (RLAs) for Vogtle, Units 1 and 2, that would rely on two draft. Licensees must follow NRC processes to justify and make those changes. Office NRR/DORL/LPL2-1/PM NRR/DORL/LPL2-1/LA NRR/DORL/LPL2-1/BC NRR/DORL/LPL2-1/PM Name GEMiller KGoldstein MMarkley GEMiller Date 11/21/2023. • Provides the NRC’s tool for long-term, risk-informed trending of industrywide operating experience of all events that occur at U. Points of Contact: Project Manager Office/Division/Branch Telephone Gayathri Sastry NRR/PMDA/ITIB 301-415-8344 Business Project Manager Office/Division/Branch Telephone Carole Revelle NRR/DIRS/IOLB 301-415-1065 Bridget Curran NRR/DIRS/IRIB 301-415-1003 Richard Bright NRR/DORL/LPL3-2/MDAT 301-415-8086The NRC's REIRS system provides the latest available information on radiation exposure to the workforce at certain NRC licensed facilities. gov . Prescott, NRR G. wall@nrc. Performs inspections and technical evaluations in the specialized fields. Commissioner Plenary Introduction and Moderator | Video | Transcript. 01 sh an, NRR W. : ML20261H473 A. gov Note: NRC generic communications may be found on the NRC public Web site, under “NRC Library,” “Document Collections. IRA! Plant Licensing Branch 11-2. : 99902069 and Docket Nos. to have your name or organizationremoved from distributzon lists or reduce the number of copies received by you or your organization, contact the document controlOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Drew G. NRR is the cumulative total of your retained, contracted and expanded revenue over a period, typically a month or year. H. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction [email protected]:. The staff will be conducting a review of NUREG-2150, "A. J. While the NRC said it. Tam, NRR NRC Document Control Desk NRC Resident Inspector U. SUPPORT THE WESTINGHOUSE-NRC PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING ON THE WESTINGHOUSE AP300™ SMR DESIGN DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW WHITE PAPER” DATED: NOVEMBER 13, 2023 DISTRIBUTION: PUBLIC NRR/DNRL/NLIB R/F RidsOgcMailCenter Resource MHayes, NLIB RChristian, WEC WGleaves SGreen. [email protected] Matthew. Commission (NRC) Petition Review Board (PRB) regarding a 10 CFR 2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will use sound science and state-of-the-art Director (A):Evan Davidson Provides mission and program support to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) and the Operating Reactor and New Reactor Business Lines. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff held an information meeting with a question-and-answer session with stakeholders to discuss advanced reactor. 0 indicates the object does not attenuate mid-frequency sounds,. NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION . gov Summary: This is the initial issuance of LIC-206. S. 2Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTIONS In carrying out our FY2002 new initiative to improve office infrastructure, the first three NRR. 20079) xo eliminate~ name hkh dishubvtion lists for documents you don't needt d sOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Provides leadership; plans, recommends, manages and implements programs of nuclear regulatory research; and interfaces with all NRC offices and the Commission on research issues. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) has completed its actions supporting closure of Generic Issue (GI)-186, “Potential Risk and Consequences of Heavy Load Drops in Nuclear Power Plants. Steven D. Steve Lynch NRC/NRR/DANU/UNPL. Oversees, manages, and directs the development and implementation of policies and programs for enforcement of NRC requirements. Connell, NRR T. In this case: (33 - 7) / 2 = 13. Date Approved: December 2, 2020 Primary Contact: T. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . The test reactor would provide operational data toUse the information in this Telephone Directory only for authorized government purposes. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft Regulatory Guide (DG), DG-1415, ``Dedication of Commercial-Grade. Gross revenue retention defined. Mid-cycle inspection planning letters are located at the 20YY005 hyperlinks. Shams, NRR/DANU, NRC . Guey P. 2. C. Attachment to Serial: RNP-RA/ )208 NBC FORM 366 U. A. New technologies have the potential to enhance safety at U. Olshan, NRR John F. Addressees may submit responses electronically to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) contact and appropriate region contact listed at the end of this document. . cc w/encls: Distribution via ListservConstruction Permit Application Review Documents for Hermes – Kairos Power. Classified by their potential to reduce noise in decibels (dB), a term used to categorize the power or density of sound, hearing. 01 Continuous Assessment of Operability 4 06. [Docket Nos. Washington Operations 12300 Twinbrook Pkwy. KUN NRR ANDREA LEE NRR SAM LEE NRR W. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction No. Email Address: NRRWebServices@nrc. H [email protected] Suresh Chaudhary, Region I Jason Jang, Region I (610) 337-5335 610-337-5220 E-mail: skc@nrc. NRR is the cumulative total of your retained, contracted and expanded revenue over a period, typically a month or year. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1. The plan is going to be the subject for a July 8, 2002, presentation to. Slides ML21237A463 NRC-001 OFFICE. Eads J. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff’s periodic review of Regulatory Guide (RG) 1. Veil joined the NRC in 1992 as an intern and has held a wide range of key management and leadership positions, including Deputy Office Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; and NRR Deputy Office Director for Engineering. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF AUGUST 16, 2023, U. , INC. Division of Operating Reactor Safety. Jeff Baran, Commissioner, NRC; 11:00 a. S. 108 allows the NRC staff to deny an application. Office of the Inspector General . Lyons, NRR R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed an activity to assess the feasibility of extending the time period for license renewal of nuclear power plants from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Operational Programs Office of New Reactors Technical Contact: Liliana Ramadan, RES/DE 301-415-2463 E-mail: Liliana. S. 03 Review Activities 5The guidance for licensees provided by NEI 99-04 and related guidance developed for the NRC staff [e. S. Evans Date Approved: May 30, 2017 Primary Contact: Tanya. S. gov donnie. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). Grobe P. Taylor leads highly skilled engineers, scientists, inspectors, and project managers in executing the agency’s mission on a large number of nationally. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction No. Karwoski K. 415–3104; email: Michael. NRC GENERAL ELECTRIC A. 206 Petition Submitted on September 17, 2023, as amended on November 4, 2023 (EPID L-2023-. U. (Arlington, TX) and V (Walnut Creek, CA), Reactors, NRR. L. Chaired by the Office Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), the NRC RISC [email protected] U. Nanette Valliere, NRR – Technical Lead. gov; and Mark Blumberg, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,. S. S. Cubbage, NRR D. Schulten, NRR W. Michele G. S. FROM: Edward Helvenston, Project Manager /RA/ Non-Power Production and Utilization Facility LicensingBranch . ML23263A011 NRC-001 OFFICE NRR/DANU/UAL1:PM NRR/DANU/UAL1:LA NRR/DANU/UAL1:BC. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) has the responsibility of overseeing all university research reactors (URRs) including the MITR. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/ADRO/DIRS/ITSB Summary of Changes: This is the initial issuance of LIC-600. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF MAY 7, 2019, PUBLIC MEETING BETWEEN THE U. gov Tanya [email protected] * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002 Distribution: See next Page Accession Number: ML051110040 NRC-001 OFFICE PDII-1/PM PDII-1/LA PDII-1/SCFENOC Response to NRC Request for lnformation Pursuant to 10 CFR 50. NRR Action Plans are used to manage the resolution of safety, generic, significant, complex, or long term issues. Program management, inspection, and operator licensing are the three major oversight responsibilities of NRR. The volatility of the current era sees a shift away from “growth at all costs” to a focus on sustainable growth, particularly among investors . 1. ML21088A279. Home Nuclear Reactors Operating Reactors Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Plant Summaries - Quarterly Performance Summary. J. 5 The NRR issued a memorandum on May 28, 2020, entitled, “Inspection Guidance During Transition From COVID-19 Mandatory Telework. The objective of this office instruction is to outline a process by which the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff and managers performsubmitted an affidavit to the U. nrc . Research and test reactors comprise one of four sub-arenas that the staff of the U. Poslusny, NRR S. The office should not be confused with the NRC's Nuclear. gov Alfred. 50-387 and 50-388 LICENSEE: Pennsy'. ” This office Instruction incorporates the recommendations of the Committee To Review Generic Requirements. Jeff Baran, Commissioner, NRC; 11:00 a. When the NRC issued Revisions 2 and 3 of this RG, 10 CFR 50. gov. Hardies et al. gov gfw@nrc. S. Docket No. Exhibitor: Taylor Lamb, Technical Assistant, NRR/NRC, 301-415-7128, Taylor. gov. Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-8371, or Mahesh. gov Seung. Michael. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations. DATES: The group’s primary goal is to remove barriers to innovation and launch initiatives that improve the way we work to make SAFE use of nuclear technology POSSIBLE and encourage the staff to make real change. ' . Despite the stated NRR of 33, then, wearing the earplugs would only reduce noise exposure to an estimated 87 dB. gov Anthony J. GRR reflects your ability to retain customers. Taylor is currently the Deputy Office Director for New Reactors in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) at the U. gov *Commission’s Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings,” 67 Federal Register 36920, May 28, 2002 review and development of regulatory guidance with the ultimate goal of obtaining NRC endorsement of NEI 21-07. Docket No. Completion of regulatory audits supports the NRC's Effectiveness & Efficiency Goals. Nuclear Regulatory. Kantor, NRR-et al. May 20, 2005 Combination List: cc: Mr. R. In particular, the U. Tsao@nrc. Nguyen@nrc. S. Helker . 108. Roth, NRR D. m. I have been employed by the NRC for over six years. gov Allen. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 1996 as a Health Physicist in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS). P. The general purpose of this office instruction is to provide guidance to staff in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) and the staff in other NRC offices supporting NRR for. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted a public meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute’s (NEI’s) Reactor Oversight. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) opened GI-186 to address a concern related to the measures to protect against heavy load drops. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Simril, et al. 152, ``Criteria for Programmable Digital Devices in Safety-Related Systems of Nuclear Power [email protected] Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, is a subordinate part of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Stolz, PDI-2, NRR M. A reverberation chamber is used to test the sound absorption coefficients and NRC of a material. FROM: Donna Williams, Senior Project Manager /RA/ Advanced Reactor Licensing Branch 1 . I am a Financial Analyst in the Division of Inspection and Regional Support, NRR, at the NRC. 05. Ho Nieh. GWaýto :vyg. Zoulis 301-415-1209. In 2003, she completed a Congressional Fellowship on Capitol Hill. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Order; issuance. ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In August 2020, the U. Lain [email protected]@nrc. FROM: Eva . On September 15, 2021, staff from the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) and Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) held the fifth annual U. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is requesting comments on a regulatory basis to support a rulemaking to amend the NRC's regulations related to the use of conventional and accident tolerant light-water reactor fuel designs. Hardies, NRR/DCI, NRC NEI Buried Piping Integrity Working GroupDocket Nos. Embark Venture Studio. GRR calculates total revenue (excluding expansion) minus revenue churn (contract expirations, cancelations, or downgrades). The ROP benefits from what the NRC has learned from 30The NRC staff was asked to perform a review of this WP and provide written feedback on the WP. Performance Indicators. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff requesting that the agency withhold the following information from public disclosure pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Roque. Rahimi, RES ADAMS Accession No: ML21111A005 [email protected]:OD 415-1542 rjj1@nrc. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, [email protected] 301-415-8371 301-415-8556 Summary: This revision was updated to capture NRR and NRO best. : NRC-419 Pages 1-382. The National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association – the “NRC” – is a U. Vasavada@nrc. Discussions will be led by NRC contractors. Robert Taylor. The AREWG Chair shared the current work of the AREWG with NEI’s working group. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) hybrid working group (WG) hosted 5 check-in meetings to serve as venues for NRR staff and branch chiefs to provide open and honest feedback, recommendations, and/or suggestions to the WG on specific focus areas related to. Participants included representatives of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR); Region III applicable NRR, NRC, and Government-wide standards, policies, laws, and regulations. : LIC-500, Revision 5 Office Instruction Title: Topical Report Process Effective Date: October 7, 2013 Approved By: Susan Abraham Date Approved: October 4, 2013 Primary Contacts: Stephen Philpott 301-415-2365 Stephen. Plisco, OEDO P. PERFORMANCE MEASURESOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . View Presentation. : ML071240103 NRR-106 OFFICE PSPB/PM PSPB/LA PSPB/BC NAME MHoncharik DBaxley SRosenbergTake the NRR of 33 and derate it with the following formula: (NRR - 7) / 2. Interested members of the public can participate in this meeting via a toll-free teleconference. Yanely. The three main changes are: (1) review for “no legal objection” by the Office of the General Counsel NRR Office Instruction LIC-102, Revision 3 Page 2 of 11 1. A. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION LIC-206 Integrated Risk-Informed Decision-Making for Licensing Reviews Volume 200 Licensing Support Approved By: Brian McDermott Date Approved: June 6, 2019 Effective Date: June 10, 2019. Resident Inspector-927N 9707i50325 970703 PDR ADOCK 05000397 P PDR DLWilliams-BPA/399 CR Wallis-EFSEC PD Robinson-Winston Strawn +ac (', 150056. The U. e. Coyne, NRR C. National Redemption Council, the ruling government in Ghana from 1972 to 1975. Indeed, the NRR concluded that the change in core damage frequency risk due to the potential CSFI-caused failure of a safety-related SSC was less than one in 10,000 per year for the most likely type of components that the NRC Staff inferred would be impacted in the OIG's report. please contact one of the persons listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager. 689 cc: See next page CONTACT: Joseph M. gov 301-415-7038 301-415-3168 Summary: This is the initial issuance of LIC-115, which consolidates guidance from NRO. Oliver D. ” The U. cc: X-Energy Xe-100 . The NRC staff’s observations provided in the enclosure are specific to the white paper as submitted. Clefton, Nuclear Energy Institute et al. Uses for HALEU. . 13 Kb. The NRC is required by Section 2. MEETING CONTACTS: Leonard N. SUMMARY: The U. Enclosure LIST OF ATTENDEESDocuments issued prior to October 1999 are available in paper or microfiche. NRR, NRC Ms. It is the policy of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to establish procedures and guidance for its staff to meet the requirements established by applicable statute and regulation. gov tracy. gov. The NRC’s review, which concluded “no safety aspects that would preclude issuing the construction permit” for the proposed reactor, was completed in 18 months. Documents issued to clarify or to address issues not discussed in a Standard Review Plan (SRP). Performance in this range indicates that a company is growing and can expect more revenue. Pannier@nrc. Dean, NRR G. Tam, NRR NRC Document Control Desk NRC Resident U. The purpose of 10 CFR Part 51, “Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions,” is to ensure that Staff from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) issues a request for additional information (RAI), when necessary, to support reasonable assurance findings on the safety of a design, operation, or siting, as well as environmental issues, in accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) rules and regulations. S. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/PMAS Summary of Changes: Initially issued January 15, 2003, this. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC) is an independent agency of the United States government tasked with protecting public health and safety related to nuclear energy. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed an activity to assess the feasibility of extending the time period for license. 2 (NRO). : 999902079 Enclosures: 1. gov * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002 ADAMS ACCESSION NO. RES and NRR have been working at the staff level to allow NRR to provide input into the RES draft Advanced Reactor Research Plan. Eudy@nrc. 50-259/93-36, 50-260/93-36, AND 50-296/93-36 This refers to the inspection conducted by C. Mendiola 301-415-1054 Anthony. 50-259/90-30, 50-260/90-30) AND 50-296/90-30 This refers to the inspection conducted by J. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Route 2, Box 700 Spring City, TN 37381 3 DRP4 ~J~. Monitors consistency and timeliness of Enforcement Program activities, primarily escalated enforcement cases, across the agency. The list of attendees is enclosed. ACTION: Draft regulatory issue summary; public meeting and request for comment. NRC Nuclear Energy Institute J.